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This is the space where I share my ongoing ascension journey as a wayshower for people on their awakening and ascension paths. Please subscribe to receive the notification of my latest post.

Joy Vottus
Jun 6, 20222 min read
Demystify 666: the Spiritual Meanings
6th of June, 2022 is another powerful triple-digit portal day. As we know everything is energy, frequency and vibration. Number 6 is the...

Joy Vottus
May 31, 20222 min read
Pattern Clearing and Beyond
Patterns are the "habits" that we repeat over and over again. Often we have similar mindset, emotional reactions or behaviors to certain...

Joy Vottus
Apr 18, 20223 min read
Identify Psychic Attacks and Solutions
“Psychic attacks” are not uncommon phenomena that could happen to anyone in the daily lives. In general, they refer to the negative...

Joy Vottus
Mar 9, 20223 min read
30% Higher Self Embodiment Milestone
The average percentage of my Higher Self descending to my body is about 3 to 4 % per month, the shifts and changes not just occur in the...

Joy Vottus
Feb 22, 20222 min read
2.22.222 Portal Transmission for Soul Alignment
2.22.2022 is a powerful portal day, in numerology 2 represents the energy of duality, partnership, relationship and balance. The key...

Joy Vottus
Jan 15, 20223 min read
The Portrait & Message from Higher Self
Ever since I started the journey of embodying my Higher Self about 8 months ago, the shifts and changes continue along the process. There...

Joy Vottus
Nov 28, 202110 min read
My Journey with the C. V@ccine
This is a journey guided by my Higher Self, please read with an open mind if some information is new to you. The Pandemic of Fear From...

Joy Vottus
Nov 7, 20213 min read
The 5D Portal of my Higher Self
After 6 months passed the 6th initiation, my Hight Self embodiment is now approximately 23%. Imagine when we have 23% of Internet Wi-Fi...

Joy Vottus
Oct 3, 20212 min read
Transform Body into a Sacred Temple
Our physical bodies are the vehicles of our Souls. The physical body is the densest layer of all that connects to other layers of energy...
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